Friday, August 8, 2008

Delayed but back!

As you leave RJ's the next door neighbor has this plant out front, which I too have in front of my house. It was nice to see a reminder each day as we headed out.

This is a sad sight. It's the last look back at a mud hole leaving the road to RJ's house. We went through that mud hole many times in and out of this community.

Hug-a-byes at the Airport with Richie.

Anita's classy, business dressed friends Ruth and Ato came to see us off at the airport.

This is the taxi that took us most places. A car made in India, drivin by Fifi. First time Anita had A/C ( I requested that :o) )

Anita gets that deer in the head lights look when she has to leave Ghana. I shed some tears as well.

Soon we were trying to get some shut eye, but to no avail.

We departed Accra, Ghana on time....

We took one last look back as we left the African continent behind.


The delay began on US soil. We touched down at JFK in NYC on time and then had to sit on the taxi way for more than an hour and our domestic flight to Charlotte was delayed and delayed and delayed.

We nearly spent the night in NYC. We finally made it to Charlotte by 2:30 AM, and to Anita's by 4:30AM.


It's going to take some processing / digesting of it all before we're fully back to the swing of things here. I got a good start during the flight journaling the revelations and vision for the future. Thank you all so much for sharing. I hope and pray you join us next time. I promise you will NEVER be the same!

We would LOVE the opportunity to come and share more with you. If your group or church would entertain this idea, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Waters Edge Ministries

David Waters & Anita Tarlton &


* I believe you'll be happy to know that we both plan to write more books.

** I'll post pictures of our last full day, where people went out of their way to come and eat with us and spend some time before our departure. It really made us feel significant, worthy to be more than just acquaintenances; more than just friends. We're family and we'll miss each other and rejoice when we can get together again.


Peace out -

David Lee Waters Sr.,


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