Saturday, August 2, 2008

Logba, Logba, Logba! And Remote Villages


Please read yesterdays blog post. I was up late into the night posting my thoughts, some pictures AND a video!

Here are some more pictures from the three day trip I'm posting this morning.


One of the many splendored views from Logba Tota

Anita and her loved ones. (the boy has Down Syndrome) She is a magnet for the special needs people of this world. She must look like an angel to them. She does to me too!

Anita & RJ at construction site of new Logba School...VERY NICE!

Cocoa Tree. Make your own chocolate! Who wouldn't want to live by that?

FuFu making woman at Logba. I Love this stuff!

FuFu and Goat soup. RJ and I ate all you see!


More later... got grand babies to spoil!


I got so wrapped up in Logba Tota (Low-Bah Toe-Tah) that I didn't post pictures from the remote villages in need of wells. So... Here ya go !

Adigbo Tornu Village Water Source that causes blood in the urine

Adigbo Tornu fish caught in the same stream

Adigbo Tornu Chief & Elders. It is always custom to greet the chief and elders and state the purpose of your visit

Adigbo Tornu Chief, Elders and Villagers (we presented candy and the youth leader was glad as you can see

I was being filmed explaining what was transpiring at the meeting with the elders and introducing everybody. At this point refering to Anita, the Angel from heaven that has been so instrumental in improving many lives here and I'm eternally grateful and over joyed that she has shared Ghana with me!

An Adigbo Tornu Home

Adigbo Tornu School, now imagine your kids here. We need supplies!

Adigbo Tornu Children that a well will improve the lives of

Anita had to show the kids what bubble gum was for

We're sharing a copy of the Charlotte Observer in Adigbo Tornu. With us is a Doctor Redeemer Foli who helped analyze the situation and said medicine would not help until they stopped drinking from the stream. Me, Anita, Rev James Godlly, and Rev John Johnson

CHNM bought this motorcycle for Rev John Johnson (who can speak 5 languages) and he scoots around to many remote villages, evangelizing, planting churches and finding needs to commit to prayer that we can be involved in a significant way for these people and for the kingdom of GOD. His translating services were much needed on this mission and for the future.

Peace Out -

David Lee Waters Sr.

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