Saturday, August 16, 2008

Short Term, Long Term, 30-60-100

Check out at for current short term mission opportunities.


Thankfully, I didn't do anything this extreme !

But I'm surely changed forever,

for the better!


Anita and I used to get temporary tattoos when we'd go to the beach.

Then Anita experienced something special to me, Plumeria flowers in Hawaii.

And she got tagged for life!

So glad it's not short term!


Romans 8:28 tells us we are More Than Conquerors :

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose.

Yesterday I mentioned my weed eater being stolen and ya know, that thing was falling apart. I was about to order some parts for it and it had the blower attachment on it at the time. So, who ever got it, may be in for a bit of a surprise when they go to use it. And having all the extra parts to make the only one available at the store work even though it was missing parts. Well, that's just GOD looking out for me.

I believe that!

This is my story, this is my song,

praising my Saviour, all the day long.....


GOD's word does not go out and come back empty. Please pray that as I sow seed it will fall on receptive soil:

Matthew 13:23But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."


It all starts with what you believe ~ Selah

Peace to you all -

David Lee Waters Sr.,

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